Did Human DNA Really End Up in Hot Dogs? Uncovering the 2015 Study In 2015, Clear Labs, a private genomics testing company, published a controversial report claiming that 2% of 345 hot dogs tested contained traces of… Continue Reading
Debunking the ‘Vibration Therapy’ Photo: The Truth Behind the 1895 Hammer and Pot For years, a strange rumor has circulated online about a black-and-white photo featuring a man holding a hammer next to someone bent over an… Continue Reading
Is This a ‘Pagoda Flower’ That Only Blooms Once Every 400 Years? Nature’s mysteries often captivate our imagination, leading to remarkable claims that sound both astonishing and intriguing. One such assertion centers around a flower named… Continue Reading
Does Marijuana Contain “Alien DNA” from Outside Our Solar System? An article’s factually ridiculous headline attempted to demonstrate people’s proclivity to share articles without reading them. The realm of misinformation often takes curious twists,… Continue Reading
Will Dangerous Cosmic Rays Pass Close to Earth ‘Tonight’? This claim has been around for years and makes no scientific sense whatsoever. Cosmic rays are high-energy particles that originate from various sources in… Continue Reading
Were 300 Children Found Frozen Alive for Organ Harvesting? The claim that “300 children were found frozen alive for organ harvesting” is a disturbing and baseless conspiracy theory that lacks credible evidence and… Continue Reading
Titanic Conspiracy The Sinking of the Titanic was one of the most famous tragedies in the world. “God himself could not sink this ship!” was the… Continue Reading
Black Hole Conspiracies What is a Black Hole? A black hole is a cosmic body in a space-time region where the gravitational pull is so strong that… Continue Reading
Adolf Hitler Conspiracy Theories Myths From John F Kennady to Princess Diana, the death of most famous people is still in controversy. However, the death of Hitler brought some… Continue Reading
Holocaust Denial – Conspiracy Theories Myth The Holocaust is one of the deadliest genocide in the history, where more than millions of jews and artisits were killed by Adolf Hitler… Continue Reading