Were the Words ‘Hail Satan’ Hidden on the U.S. $10,000 Bill? Throughout history, stories of hidden messages and symbols have ignited curiosity and conspiracy theories. One such claim centers around the U.S. $10,000 bill, with… Continue Reading
Can This Machine Automatically Sort Balls by Color? A video purportedly showing a “Galton board” apparently sorting balls by color perplexed many viewers. Advancements in technology have ushered in a new era… Continue Reading
Is This a ‘Pagoda Flower’ That Only Blooms Once Every 400 Years? Nature’s mysteries often captivate our imagination, leading to remarkable claims that sound both astonishing and intriguing. One such assertion centers around a flower named… Continue Reading
Does This Photograph Show Che Guevara Executing Two Women? Claims that a photograph shows Che Guevara executing two women appear to be based solely on the fact that the pictured man is wearing… Continue Reading
Did These People Take a Selfie with a Co-Worker Who Died of a Heart Attack? “I’m just surrounded by amazing people who are having a blast!” In the age of social media, images and stories can spread rapidly, often… Continue Reading
Does Marijuana Contain “Alien DNA” from Outside Our Solar System? An article’s factually ridiculous headline attempted to demonstrate people’s proclivity to share articles without reading them. The realm of misinformation often takes curious twists,… Continue Reading
Are These Giant Human Skeleton Photographs Real? According to the Old Testament, the Nephilim were the offspring of the “sons of God” and the “daughters of men” before the Deluge. Human… Continue Reading
Is Ice Water Dangerous for Dogs? Giving your dog ice or ice water on a hot day is not likely to cause your pet to die from bloating and spasms…. Continue Reading
Are Silent Fireworks Real? “Silent fireworks” shows are a thing, but they don’t employ a newly-invented form of noise-suppressing pyrotechnics. Fireworks have long been a mesmerizing spectacle that… Continue Reading
Will Dangerous Cosmic Rays Pass Close to Earth ‘Tonight’? This claim has been around for years and makes no scientific sense whatsoever. Cosmic rays are high-energy particles that originate from various sources in… Continue Reading