When you are in the world of conspiracy, people take it to the next level by introducing fantasy creatures into our world. This one surpassed all the fantasy creatures like unicorn and mermaid to create more controversy in the present world. Lizard people are the cold blooded reptilians that are said to have a human body and snake head with the ability to transform into a human on its own will. This idea became the sensational news when David Icke, the conspiracy theorist and a new age philosopher came up with the book “The Biggest secret”. The Lizard person or the reptilian rulers is now the famous conspiracy that is unfortunately believed by some people. Why do we talk about this topic? As you know, many of us may think that is one of the stupidest theories, but it was identified in a Public Polling Survey that around 12 million people in the USA still believe that lizard people rule our country. Here we come to awake your sense by conspiracy theory along with the facts.
Conspiracy Theory – Humans are ruled by reptilians since ancient time:
Fact: No, not true
Our whole life would be a lie, if this theory was true! LOL. We know the struggles our ancestors went through. Humans fight for every possible position, so letting another creature in the way is impossible. Reptilian rulers are said to have advanced knowledge and are sent to the world to dominate humans is one of the famous conspiracy theories. As there is no evidence for the invasion of aliens and lizard people, this theory was neglected. People who have the ability to lead the people and are better than an average person are considered to be the Lizard people. From the political leaders, everyone was suspected to be a lizard person who was actually fifteen feet tall with reptilian shape shifting ability. The followers of David Icke believed that the group of reptiles landed on the earth in ancient times like we have seen in the movies and are living among us to rule the world. He also claimed that the impossible structures of the pyramid are constructed by the reptilian rulers. We know our history and who ruled us, so believing this theory is one of the stupidest things you can do in your life.
Conspiracy Theory – All the famous people are lizard people:
Fact: No, they aren’t
This is one of the dumbest theories. People who are famous in every field will have something special in them and are extraordinary, these made some people claim that they are not ordinary and may be from the other world. Some people who have been suspected to be a reptilian include Queen Elizabeth II, the Bush family, banking leaders, CEOs, Justin Bieber and Katty perry. Among all the Queen of England was claimed to be blood drinking, shape shifting alien. Justin Bieber was claimed to be one of the lizard people when his eyes seem to shift and turn like a reptile. Although this is shocking to many of us, people who didn’t want to believe that the person with the same capacity as us can lead the world, comes up with this theory. I personally think that this theory may have emerged from the person who had the inferior mindset.
Conspiracy Theory – Reptilian rulers can control our mind:
Fact: No, not true
As we know that no lizard people exist in this world, the whole theory about the reptilian rulers is a deception. This theory originated from the theory Reptilian Elite. According to this theory, Icke believers stated that the reptilian creatures from outer space bred with the humans for easy control. They control our mind by making people dumber, slower and weaker. Conspiracy theorists even claimed that there is a reptilian DNA present in some people. However it was found that the developing stage of the embryo resembles reptiles, but was not a DNA of the reptile.
Conspiracy Theory – Reptilian people have unique features:
Fact: No, they don’t
If you come across numerous posts about how to spot the lizard people from the rest of one, then this is for you. People with green eyes, good hearing or eyesight, having red hair, low blood pressure, scars on the body and the love of space are claimed to be the lizard people. I know, we all may have witnessed this creature somewhere. If you are thinking where it could be?, it is definitely on the TV. Famous TV shows including vampire diaries and Twilight shows these creatures, but not in real life. If you like to spot one of them, then really sorry about that. There is no evidence that such creatures exist in this world.
Conspiracy Theory – Lizard people come from the constellation Draco:
Fact: No, not true
This theory comes with the popular name “ Reptilian Elite”. Conspiracy theorists and people who believe this theory states that the group of advanced reptiles came to earth from the Alpha Draconis star system. It is the place that shaped like large dragon. Some claim that they may come from the other systems like Sirius and Orion. Even Though, when there is no evidence of the lizard people, many still claim that they still live among us. They came with the ultimate purpose to enslave the human and to become their rulers. The lizard people live around us in the world as our team leader, CEO, Oscar winning actors and famous singers. Aliens who are believed to come from Draco are said to have retractable wings and have a tall build. It is a complete hoax, i don’t know what made the people believe the presence of the lizard people.
Conspiracy theorists didn’t stop here, they further added that reptilian rulers are the one to form illuminati. There is also much documentation about the reptiles affecting the American government. People who love to grab attention created many of the conspiracy theories about the non existent creature. It was found that this theory was believed by the people who believed in all other conspiracy theories.