Conspiracy Theories

conspiracy theories

You may have heard the word conspiracy frequently in the last decade, if you are not sure of what is a conspiracy theory? then you have reached the right place. Conspiracy theory arises as a result of the event or situation that triggers any individuals, group and the politicians for their own benefit. Conspiracy theory may not be truthful and is not necessarily believed by everyone. It often rejects the standard explanation and credits the covert group or organisation when carried a secret mission. It is a matter of fact that the conspiracy theories are gaining more popularity than the original event. Conspiracy theory becomes the matter of faith rather than something that can be proved or disproved. If you want to know more about the conspiracy theory origin, types and its examples, continue reading this article.

conspiracy theory types

Whether it is the local or international conspiracy theory, they may be either concentrated on the single or multiple events, regions and the entire country. Many conspiracy theorists classified the conspiracy theory into different types according to their convenience and knowledge. Jesse Walker has five different types of conspiracy theories to give better understanding to the people. They are Enemy outside, Enemy within, Enemy above, Enemy Below and Benevolent Conspiracies. Michael Barkun identifies three kinds including Event conspiracy theory, Systematic conspiracy theory and super conspiracy theory. The shallow and deep conspiracy theories are the two types that were stated by Ruthbard.

people believe

Why do people believe in conspiracy theories? What are attractions in the conspiracy theory? Each person may endorse or get amazed by the conspiracy theory for one or two different reasons. The people who find the conspiracy theory appealing are a feeling of alienation, unhappiness or dissatisfaction with their situation. According to Barkun, the appeal of conspiracism is three fold. The first is that the conspiracy theory will help you to understand the confusion regarding that situation and will explain what institutional analysis cannot. Secondly, they trace all evil back to the single source. They divide the world sharply between the forces of light and forces of darkness in a more easy way. Third, conspiracy theorists try to manipulate or penetrate through the plotter’s deception.

conspiracy spread

Conspiracy theories are spread widely in the form of blogs, you tube videos and in social media for all the events. The people who commonly fall into conspiracies are the politicians, actors and terrorists. As they already gained enough popularity, any news regarding them will result in more conspiracy theories. Rather than other conspiracy theories, government conspiracy theories often decide the leader and important decisions to happen in the country. Barack Obama conspiracy theory is the one of the popular conspiracies that made us think about his citizenship, religion and his birth certificate. Conspiracy theorists made almost everyone to believe that Barack Obama is a muslim due to his middle name Hussein. Though he is the most successful and popular president of the United States of America, he failed to succeed in the presidential election.

Scary conspiracy theory

The acceptance of the conspiracy theory is their own decision, but thinking about the positive and the negative consequences will help you to choose the proper side. The studies about the conspiracy theory stated that it may even persuade your decision. When you are choosing the negative side of the conspiracy theory, people are not aware of what they are doing. This often leads to the scary conspiracy theory. Scary conspiracy theory is not only something scary to hear, it may also make you lose your control at certain points. Invasion of aliens in the earth and loch ness monsters are some of the conspiracy theories that scared almost everyone. However these are not the scary conspiracy theories when compared to QAnon. The way of approaching and acting upon this theory is the scariest part. This theory officially became the potential source of domestic terrorism. A woman in Georgia said she would happily shoot  "Antifa terrorist".

weird conspiracy theory

There are many crazy, weird and funny conspiracy theories to think whether this is a real conspiracy theory. Landing on the surface of the moon by Neil Armstrong is one of the most persistent conspiracies of the 20th century. It is said that the images were faked by Nasa, even  though there was much evidence like identifying the manmade objects on the surface of the earth and the moon rocks being brought back to the earth. The weird conspiracy theory had been spread around the internet since the video of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry in Britain’s got talent. The video showing Meghan Markle without any facial expressions, even without blinking the eye aroused the conspiracy theory that she is a robot. This is also a weird conspiracy theory to gain huge popularity from the people, that is HIV and CIA conspiracy theory. Many conspiracy theorists stated that the deadly virus was created to wipe out homosexuals and African American. As the US president Richard Nixon wants the Africans to move out of the country, it is said that it was intentionally created by the CIA.


The craziest of all theories is that the stonehenge was built by the aliens. As there is no explanation of how it is built, it is considered that it was built using passed knowledge from god-like aliens to mankind. Some people believe that the giant Nephilim built this monument with their greater heights and strength. Each stone weighing 50 tons is kept in the height with machinery is still a mystery.  The purpose of the stonehenge was still unknown while some considered it as a place to party in the ancient times. This monument was found to be built before even the invention of the spinning wheel and as there is no explanation that how it was constructed without any fundamental machinery is still a mystery.

Prince Charles vampire

Funny conspiracy theories do not affect individuals, any organization or the government. It just opposes the renowned theory. The flat earth is one good example for this conspiracy. Whether it is flat or spherical is useful for the knowledge or scientific purpose, but will not endanger anyone's lives. Hollow earth is also the concept some might find it funny. In this theory, it is considered that the earth has the inner sun and has another world lying in the inner space. Many conspiracies arise adjoining this theory. When some considered this theory is a hoax, many still that the earth is still hollow inside. It is better to know the truth rather than just laughing at it. But some people took this to the next level when they tried to identify whether Prince Charles is a vampire. People seemed to believe this story when he said that "transylvania is in my blood" and he was the descendant of Vlad the Impaler. He also promoted the tourist spot of Transylvanisa. As he seemed to be sensitive to the daylight, many people believed that the Prince might really be the vampire.

famous conspirac theories

The assasination of John F Kennedy in 1963 at Dallas, Texas is one of the famous conspiracy theories. It is one of the unpredictable cases in which no official investigation was done to give the conclusion to the conspiracy. Lee Harvey Oswald was accused of the assasination of Kennady, as he was shot dead even before appearing to the trial, many conspiracy theories arise. This case is said to be the turning point of the conspiracy theory as it invokes multiple theories. The death of Diana is also the situation that tends to raise more conspiracy theories. The death of Diana was more than a mere accident.  First it was stated that Henri Paul possesed huge sum of money from MI6 and they set him up. As they stated that Paul was drunk before taking the control of the car, but many claimed that he was sober and his alcoholic limits were high. This is considered to be done by Richard Tollimson, a former MI6 officer.

Covid conspiracy theor

The most recent and widely spread conspiracy theory is the Covid conspiracy theory. It became sensational news after the theory stated by many conspiracy theorists and Donald Trump that the covid virus was intentionally spread by China. This almost resulted in war between two countries. Many other conspiracy theorists stated that the covid-19 virus does not exist, but was created to gain profit or it was created to scare and control the population. One of the crazy conspiracy theories of covid-19 is that the 5G signals allowed and originated the covid virus. As a result many 5G towers were destroyed and damaged by common people. This is the current conspiracy theory that made everyone understand the effect of the conspiracy theory. Easy way to protect yourself is to wear a mask, proper sanitation and washing your hands frequently.

gain popularit

Conspiracy theories help us to identify the truth around us and will help you for better understanding. This may also be a disadvantage when theories are taken by the vulnerable populations. The way of approaching the theory varies according to each personality. Some people without any evidence act allegedly based on antisocial and cynical motivations which leads to major consequences. Some people deliberately spread the misinformation about the politician at the time of election for their own benefits. They manipulate the information that tells only one side of the story to gain popularity and benefits their own. Any government organisation, activist group, companies and religious organization produce propaganda to manipulate the decision of the people.

popular conspiracy theories

It was only a few decades ago, the term conspiracy theory emerged. However it has a long history, it is claimed that CIA invented the term in 1967. This name arose to disqualify those who questioned the assasination of John F Kennady. Some conspiracy theorists make different claims even on the origin of the conspiracy theory. There are many popular conspiracy theories that can be shown as an example to you for better understanding. Let us go through some of them like Malaysian Aircraft MH370 and 911 Conspiracy theories where the truth is not clearly announced to the public, this is the origin of the conspiracy theories. When the government cannot announce the cause of the 911 destruction, many conspiracy theorists raised their own ideas to obtain the conclusion to the event without proper evidence. Some of the 9/11 conspiracy theories are that the air crafts was hijacked by the suicide operatives of the Al-Qaeda, pre attack warnings and  fire accidents. When the people, government or the organisation fails to give the cause of the event, it results in many conspiracy theories. But some of them create more impact with the people that cannot be easily erased from our memory.