Aliens UFO Conspiracy Theories – Myth Theory

Aliens and the UFO is the one of the conspiracy to last more than a decade. How many of you believe in aliens and the extraterrestrial creature living on the earth? As almost everyone all over the world believes this theory, most of them suspect that it is in America. Whenever a topic about aliens arises, it always leads us to America. What is the link between the Aliens and Americans? There are many scenarios that made people think that UFOs and aliens are landing on America. This is one of the conspiracies that Here we provide you with different conspiracy theories along with the facts and reason behind its origin.

    • Conspiracy Theory – America is the junction to the other world:

      Fact: No, it is not true

      • Many people and the conspiracy theorists believe that the USA is the port of entry and the exit to the other world. Some of the people are influenced by the movies while others blame them for all the accidents that occur. All the movies related to aliens show that they land only on America and people suspect that it may be true. This theory leads to many other conspiracy theories that Americans are communicating with the extraterrestrial for their own benefit. The USA government hiding the videos, testimonies and allowing the alien abduction is the popular conspiracy theory that people believe. Many government officials and people gave their testimonies publicly that aliens reside in America.
      • Since they have presented no evidence for their claim and according to the research conducted, there is no place in America that is found to be the junction to the other world.America is the junction
    • Conspiracy Theory – UFO and Aliens sighting in America:

      Fact: No, not true

      • The sightings of the aliens and the UFO originated in the year 1942. Los Angeles is the first place to witness the attack by the UFO, which is then later identified as a fictional and false alarm. The Pentagon releases many videos showing the Unidentified Flying Objects were believed to be the Aliens, which is also found to be hoax.
      • In 1942, the UFO was suspected to attack Los Angeles which lasted for almost two hours. The battle of Los Angeles created much more concussion of the gun sounds, aircraft posts and the search lights went through dark when there was a blackout. Conspiracy theorists claimed that the aircrafts the US army were shot down by unidentified flying objects. Yet all the theories about the battle were found to be a hoax, when the shot down plane was never found. As some of the people and the conspiracy theorist were born with additional doses of imagination capacity, they even described the type of the UFO. Some of them claimed that it was the flying saucer that is commonly known, while some described it to be in the triangular shapes.
      • The Roswell incident which happened in 1947 created an unexpected amount of conspiracies which stir up the whole world. It was stated that the flying disk was recovered in Roswell. The conspiracy theorists promoted different conspiracy theories that extraterrestrial occupants or aliens are recovered in the crash. Later it was identified that the unidentified flying object was a weather balloon of the United States Army Air Forces. This is one of the proof that conspiracy theorists can make anything into a hot topic.Aliens sighting in America
    • Conspiracy Theory – Aliens are visiting America in Area 51:

      Fact: No, not true

      • Since there is a lot of secrecy in this area and as it cannot be identified in the map or in the government website until two years ago, thus became the frequent subject of conspiracy. Area 51 is the Air Force facility center which lies between the Nevada test and the Training range. Yet many people consider it to be the research center for experimenting on aliens and their spacecraft. This theory is believed by almost 90% of the people after the incident happened in Roswell. Although it has happened for more than 70 years, this conspiracy still exists.
      • There are also many fanciful claims that the aliens are working with the Americans in the Underground railroads in the area 51 to introduce new technologies into the world. The researchers who worked in the area 51 claimed that they are researching the flying saucers and the unidentified flying objects in the secret lab. As all these are only theories which lack evidence, it is considered to be a hoax.Aliens are visiting Area 51
    • Conspiracy Theory – US Government helps aliens to land in America:

      Fact: No, it is not true

      • As conspiracy theorists find joy in creating new controversy in politics, they didn’t even leave the President of America. From JFK to Barack Obama, almost everyone is linked to different conspiracies. One of the crazy conspiracies is that JFK was assassinated by the CIA, since he may reveal the information about the reverse engineer alien technology to Soviet Union. Many conspiracy theorists and the people believe that the US government is helping the aliens to land in America. Even when there is no proof for this accusation, this theory is still believed by the people of America.
      • Ever since the conspiracy arised, all the Presidents including Barack Obama are into the conspiracies. This started because of what he said in the interview. He is the first President to talk about Area 51 and he said in another interview that only few people in the government will have access to information about the UFO and Area 51. When he was asked about the visit and information regarding the UFO, instead of denying, he said “ I can’t tell you that”. This made the conspiracy theorist conclude that the Presidents of the USA were helping the aliens to land in America.US Government helps aliens
    • Conspiracy Theory – Reverse Engineer technology is done in America:

      Fact: No, it is not true

      Robert Scott Lazar is an American conspiracy theorist who claimed to work in Area 51 that he worked in secret with advanced technologies. He suspected it to be the extraterrestrial technology which was never synthesized anywhere in the world. Thus he came to the conclusion that it may be done with the help of aliens. Many conspiracy theorists believed this theory that the US government is allowing aliens to land in America to surpass all other countries in technology.

      Reverse Engineer technology

Though many of the conspiracy theories were debunked, some of the extraterrestrial conspiracy theories are still surviving.

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  1. The US government is behind all the conspiracy theories about aliens. The abduction stuff, Roswell, everything. It was done to direct public attention away from top secret military projects while also swaying public opinion about people who believe in UFOs, ridiculing them so that people who did see something in the sky – a military craft – wouldn’t come forward, instead dismissing their sighting completely.

  2. 1950s aliens. There’s a well-known UFO conspiracy theory that took place over Washington D.C. where mysteriously 7 signatures showed up on radar and were visible from the ground + pilot level. They flew through no-fly space and immediately jets were scrambled to take them down… but everytime the jets got there, they appeared elsewhere. Some claims of movement up to 7,000mph. Became a huge issue at the time, but no one has ever taken credit and they still don’t know what it was til this day.

  3. History-wise it fits pretty well. The mid 20th century was the height of the UFO craze in the west. It was where the Grey Aliens began to be most frequently reported, abduction reports were reaching the public consciousness, as were the Men In Black. The Silence’s infiltration and manipulation of the planet and US Government for the moon launch ties into the multitude of conspiracy theories surrounding the US Government’s involvement with UFOs and the Space Program

  4. Yup. And people here just hate to hear that, because it’s the whole pop-culture religion that brings them here. Little alien dudes! Crashed in the desert, abducting people, the whole deal.
    Not even admitted UFO disinfo agent Bill Moore and military intel agent Charles Berlitz’s 1980 book The Roswell Incident claims aliens or bodies or whatever. That was nearly a decade later, when a guy called a hotline number on an alien conspiracy TV show

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