Area 51 – Conspiracy Theories Fake Myth

Area 51 is the place where the United States Air Force facility is located, that is within the Nevada test and training range. The details of the operations helding inside that area are not publicly known. Even though it is said to be the training center of the aircraft and weapon systems, the intense surrounding the base made it the frequent subject of many conspiracy theories.

    • Conspiracy Theory – Secrecy of area 51:

      Fact: No, Not true

      The surrounding area 51 is marked by orange posts and are not accessible by the public. It is under 24 surveillance by both armed guards and electronic surveillance.  The satellite image of this place is not publicly released until 2018. All these made the conspiracy theorist the origin of the Area 51 conspiracy theories. When compared to other military sites and research centers, this region maintained more secrecy even in releasing the operations helding inside that area and the purpose of that area.
      Secret of Area 51

    • Conspiracy Theory – UFO:

      Fact: No, it isn’t

      It has become the main focus of many people, as it is believed that the crashed alien spacecraft recovered at Roswell is kept in Area 51 for research purposes. The government of the United States said that it was the crash of a weather balloon near Roswell, but everyone believed it was a cover up story to decline the presence of aliens.  As you may have heard many people stated that they have witnessed  the Unidentified flying objects flying around Area 51 where various aeroplanes are not allowed to fly, this also gave rise to UFO and Area 51 conspiracy theory.

    • Conspiracy Theory – Aliens:

      Fact: No, Not true

      Area 51 has been much in the news lately since the massive spread of rumours in the social media that they are secretly conducting research on aliens and extraterrestrials. The “storm area 51, they can’t stop all of us” led many people all over the world to know the secrecy inside it. This news became the sensation after a man said he worked on extraterrestrial technology inside Area 51. He stated that the US government used all the facilities to examine extraterrestrial life. Some even said that Area 51 is the place where the US Government holds meetings with aliens and extraterrestrials from across the galaxy.

    • Conspiracy Theory – Development of exotic energy weapons:

      Fact: No, it isn’t

      Futuristic weapons like time machines and teleporting technology were claimed to be present in Area 51 that crosses the whole continent of North America. Many devices were also present to communicate with aliens and extraterrestrials. All the high technologies all over the world are said to be in Area 51, even the weather controllers. There are many areas in the US that suffer water shortages. So the meteorologist in Area 51 will drop the chemicals from the plane into the clouds to produce rain. However, there is a conspiracy theory stating that they direct hurricanes and storms to enemy countries.

    • Conspiracy Theory – Underground railroad system:

      Fact: No, it isn’t

      Even though many operations occurred underground, the mere existence of it was declined. Bob Lazar claimed that he worked in sector 4 in Area 51 which was located underground where the government had the alien spacecraft in its possession. The former employee of Area 51 claimed that he even worked on a flying disc simulator which was from the crash of the UFO in Roswell and it was used to train pilots.

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  1. Yeah, the government definitely only knows as much as we do. If they come out and say we don’t know that’s going to be different than what they’ve been doing how? That’s exactly why I don’t believe this theory, the government finds ways to be dishonest. This would be like saying the government doesn’t “know” about area-51, skunkworks, DARPA, ratheon, black box projects… Etc etc etc the point is, the government has proven to operate under a veil of secrecy for so long that people literally are considered outcasts for believing what thousands and thousands and thousands of people have been seeing. Disinformation is way too easy, and obviously it’s working pretty well.

  2. We should organize a shroom raid of skinwalker ranch, like Area 51. 5,000 conspiracy theorists tripping balls, running around. Then get sucked into a portal and eaten by the other side. The survivors will all think they were just fucked up. I would go out that way

  3. A wonderful compilation of the most popular conspiracy theories Informative, very interesting reading. I thought I was over reacting to about area 51 conspiracy theory until I read this cybusters blog. Now I know more than I want to. Very well done.

  4. I enjoyed reading the different concepts although this topic is subjective it makes me want to find out certain truths myself.

  5. Super secret military aircraft testing sight that the government refused to acknowledge the existence of until they were force to by a lawsuit. The extreme secrecy and defensive measures taken to defend the site against intruders has lead to a lot of conspiracy theories developing about what doing on there. Also internet historian did a video on the Area 51 raid from a couple years back and it included some notable footage and events related to the base.

  6. It’s always great having a friend like this. I more meant little green men hidden in Area 51 from the Roswell crash or aliens working directly with our government in secret conspiracy theories. There’s been some interesting situations and videos the us government has released like pilots chasing something and the lights happening just off a military exercise in the ocean. ( might not be 100% accurate I’m going by memory)

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