Donald Trump – Conspiracy Theories Believes Myths

Donald Trump, the ex president of the USA is popularly known for his conspiracy theories. As you may know a single page is not enough to explore all those theories. Some of the theories were believed by him while others were initiated by him. People say he is into the conspiracy theories to grab attention while some say he lacks knowledge. His period is the golden age of conspiracy theories. Continue reading this article for crazy and interesting conspiracy theories.

    • Conspiracy Theory – Wind turbines cause cancer.

      Fact: No, not true

      Conspiracy theories often grab more attention and make the people find the real reason. Some of the conspiracy theories created by Donald Trump are very vague and are not even worth finding the truth. Climate change denial is one of the most vague theories that no one could ever hear off. As we know the temperature increases and the sea water level increases every year due to human activities, he denies it to the national media without putting much thought. Trump was always on the spotlight for the climate change conspiracy, where he said “ I don’t believe it” in a media conference. Even after all the statistics about the rise of sea level and global warming, he was very proud to say that he didn’t believe it. Don’t burst into laughter until you hear the next one. Wind turbines cause cancer is one of the conspiracy theories that he believed and promoted. As we know it causes noises and annoyance to the public, some people like Trump take it to the next level by saying that it will cause cancer.

    • Conspiracy Theory – Belief that vaccines cause autism.

      Fact: No, not true

      Another theory is that the vaccine causes autism. He briefly explained about the instances he had faced many children who got affected due to the vaccine. A two year old got vaccinated and got a high fever after a week, then led to autism, he said. I know, if you are one among us who haven’t heard of this theory before, will make you definitely question yourself that how did he become the President? Since it is a Trump’s assertion, neurosurgeon Ben Carson and the study from the centers for disease control and prevention stated that there is no connection between vaccines and autism. I am thinking that how can he involve conspiracies in everything? These conspiracies didn’t affect people in any manner, instead made us question his intelligence.

    • Conspiracy Theory – COVID-19 and QAnon.

      Fact: No, not true

      The conspiracy theory that hit the whole town in the year 2020 is about the Covid19, elections and conspiracies about QAnon. He almost provoked every person by his conspiracy theories. One theory that became a huge hit is the corona virus was a manmade virus and was intentionally spread by China. As the saying goes “a lie repeated thousand times becomes the truth”, many people believed that the corona virus was man made and it was the biological weapon created by China to start the war. As a result, many countries boycotted  China products, apps and led the world to hate China. Later he stated that Corona is not a deadly virus and only 6% of the population died due to it, remaining 94% of the people really died due to the 2-3 serious illnesses. At first he stated that the coronavirus is a deadly weapon and suddenly stated that it was not a big deal. Even the small influence can change his view instantly and will change his opinion for his own benefit.

    • Conspiracy Theory – Osama bin Laden death.

      Fact: No, not true

      Conspiracy theories are not a big issue if they are believed or started by ordinary people, they gain more popularity when they are accepted by famous people like politicians and actors. Donald Trump, when he was the President of the United States of America, promoted many conspiracy theories without knowing the consequences. As he is known for not taking responsibility for his words, he proved this time with a retweet. It is a retweet for some baseless conspiracy theory regarding Joe Biden, Navy seals and Osama bin Laden. When the NBC News host Savannah Guthrie witnessed that Donald Trump retweeted that the death of Osama bin Laden was a hoax and about the QAnon conspiracy theory, she asked “why would you send a lie like that to your followers?”. He said “ I know nothing about it and it was just a retweet”-  let the people die. When the controversy was in fire, Guthrie stated “ you are the president and not like someone’s crazy uncle who can just retweet whatever”. He is not ashamed of his speeches and known for disrespecting the media throughout his ruling period.

    • Conspiracy Theory – Voter impersonation.

      Fact: No, not true

      • Many believed that Donald Trump is possessed by the presidential position and didn’t accept the defeat easily. Even after the failure in the election, He claimed that there are voter frauds in the election and spread a vast conspiracy about illegal votes and illegal ballots in the election. Not only in this election, in the year 2016 he stated without evidence that between 3 to 5 million people voted illegally for Hillary Clinton. Instead when his family and cabinet members were found to be registered in multiple states, he told it was an oversight, not a fraud. Later after all investigations, there is no evidence that was proven to support Trump’s assertion. Still he is insisting that he won the 2016 popular vote, when he lost by nearly 3 million. As he is not embarrassed of himself, he continues to do so.

      • All over his life he created many conspiracy theories when he can’t accept the fact or to face reality. He almost barged into every famous theory and proposed or agreed with that theory without evidence. From Osama bin Laden, Obama, Hillary Clinton to Joe Biden, he didn’t leave a single person even when they are dead. Donald Trump believed that the Navy seal team killed a body double and not Osama bin Laden. Trump also retweeted that Osama might be still alive and the Navy seal Team that is incharge of that operation may have been killed by Biden and Obama.

    • Conspiracy Theory – Trump Tower Wiretapping Allegations.

      Fact: No, not true

      He promoted many theories in the case of Barack Obama. Theories on Barack Obama gained huge attention and made many people to believe that theory. It started from his birth certificate that he is not a native American and to the presidential eligibility issues. Later, Barack Obama produced his birth certificate to solve the citizenship issues. In 2017, Donald Trump wrote a post in his Twitter account openly that the former President Barack Obama was wiretapping his phones at the Trump tower office during the 2016 presidential campaign. When the FBI and the Justice department confirmed that they have no record related to wiretapping, he denied it till the end. Even after resolving this issue, when he was questioned about whether he regrets the tweet, he said “ Not much, honestly not much”. He also involved Obama in the spygate conspiracy, in which he said that Obama placed a spy in the 2016 Presidential campaign for political purposes. Without providing much evidence, he said that Professor Stefan Halper got  tons of money to stay from Obama and Hillary Clinton to win that election. As he is not the person to think before he talks, he is also the person to repeat the same mistake throughout his life.

    • Conspiracy Theory – QAnon.

      Fact: No, not true

      • Corona and QAnon conspiracy which were promoted by Donald Trump not only has political benefits, they also lead to terrorism. QAnon conspiracy theory is a main source of the domestic terrorism as it involves political leaders of the democrats, Hollywood elites, US government officials and many individual groups. Some of the frequently mentioned names are Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and billionaire George Soros. It is shocking to know that people believe the anonymous theory that came into the world just like that to cause terrorism. Many people believe that the higher officials of the Democrats are running the child trafficking ring and plotting many ideas against Donald Trump. Trump in many interviews said that he is happy that people like him very much and don’t know much about the QAnon affiliated issues. Even when it is considered as a domestic threat, Trump took interest in retweeting more QAnon followers. Rather than opposing the theory, Some theories are promoted and believed by Trump while there are many other theories emerged on Donald Trump.

      • When the news broke that Donald Trump and his wife tested positive for the coronavirus, people and conspiracy theorists believed that it was to show that the coronavirus was not a big deal and to show off his miraculous recovery. When he said “ we will get through this together “and when you pull apart TOGETHER  it spells out TO GET HER. BOOM! It is clearly visible to many people that he was targeting Hillary Clinton and liberal elites due to the QAnon conspiracy. He and his wife may be really affected as we have not witnessed him wear a mask to any events, but it became a conspiracy because of the series of lies that he told before.

      • Another conspiracy is that he purposely got infected and to announce the corona virus vaccine just before the election to gain more votes. It is really fishy right? That he got corona virus, then he recovered and suddenly found a vaccine! Whether it is timing, coincidence or preplanned, it gives many key points to many conspiracy theorists. We have witnessed many moments where he was caught for lying, so many people are tired of  his new conspiracy theories. He is the person who can find theories on almost anything. Many people all over the world considered him a “Walking lie”. However, the series of lies and the conspiracies made the foundation for his political base.

      • During the presidential debate Trump purposely infected Biden is one of the conspiracies that happened in 2020. This theory became the hot topic of the town that President Trump was tested positive and came to the event just to spread the corona virus and arrived too late to the debate because of that reason. The series of corona conspiracies related to Trump still didn’t come to an end and it sure includes the vaccine.

    • Conspiracy Theory – Epstein didn’t kill himself

      Fact: No, not true

      • Suicide of Jeffrey Epstein was a mystery and inspires many conspiracy theorist to doubt many higher officials due to many sex scandals. Even though the medical examiner says that Epstein died by suicide, many conspiracy theories emerged. As Trump has been accused by many women for sexual misconduct and Epstein is known to have made a fortune by blackmailing government officials, people related his death with famous people like Donald Trump and Bill clinton. Trump opposers used the hashtag#TrumpBodyCount to hint that the president was involved in Epstein’s death. When some related his death to Trump, Donald Trump amplified the conspiracy theory that the convicted sex offeder was killed by Bill Clinton. Both theories had no evidence and considered just a conspiracy.

      • Former Trump publicist Alan Marcus believed that he proposes conspiracies not to win the election, but his exit strategy. Trump just blabber the myth to serve his own interest, so rather than relying on reality, he relied so much on unreality. He enhances his theory to sow doubt, save his pride and to strengthen the political base. Many of them may not believe that it’s still working for many people. According to the POLITICO/Morning Consult poll, 7 in 10 Republicans believed that the election was stolen from their candidate or it was done illegally. It is really a grief that he didn’t win the election this time and creates more conspiracy theories. After witnessing many events, people of America decided to bring the new President this year and that’s how the era of conspiracies ended. Even though he still continues to propose many conspiracy theories, many are not taken into consideration. If some people think that we are working for the opposite party, I have no comments other than “the position of the President deserves better people”.

Did I just sound like a conspiracy theorist? After reading these theories, decide on your own whether to believe it or not.

Conspiracy theories promoted by Donald trump.

  • Obamagate – term ascribed in May 2020 to nebulous claims concerning the case of Michael Flynn and alleged unauthorized surveillance of Flynn and others.
  • Wind turbines cause cancer
    wind turbines
  • Alleged actions by Muslims as claimed by Britain First
    britian first
  • Conspiracy theories related to the Trump–Ukraine scandal
    trump ukraine
  • Epstein didn’t kill himself
  • QAnon
  • Osama bin Laden death conspiracy theories
    osama death
  • Trump Tower wiretapping allegations
    trump tower

  • Biden–Ukraine conspiracy theory
    biden ukraine
  • Clinton Body Count
    clinton body
  • Deep state in the United States
    deep united state
  • Joe Scarborough murder conspiracy
    joe scarborough
  • Syrian refugee as ISIS members conspiracy
    syrian refugee
  • Russia investigation origins counter-narrative
    russia origins
  • White genocide and Great Replacement conspiracy theories
    white genocide
  • Belief that vaccines cause autism
  • Central Park Five
    central park
  • COVID-19 conspiracy theories

  • Suicide of Vince Foster
    vince foster
  • Murder of Seth Rich
    seth rich
  • Spygate
  • Voter impersonation
    voter impersonation
  • Climate change denial
    climate change
  • Hurricane Maria death toll controversy
    hurricane maria
  • Stop the Steal
    stop steal
  • Barack Obama birther conspiracy theories
    barack obama birther
  • Global warming conspiracy theory
    global warming

About the author


  1. “i like this list alot”, i do agree there is some conspiracy theories up here. I’m happy to read the theories, its really interesting…

  2. This blog is very interesting. It seems every page has some new intriguing, startling information, but also fun to read. The author is a good writer and he makes it a fast read. There’s no stupid crazy conspiracy theories here—just intelligent discussions on politics, history, and starling conspiracy information. I’d definitely recommend it to read this blog.

  3. I like to read theories about political scandals, and alternative history theories and this blog is full of that. This is new to read(donald trump-conspiracy theory) it was good read.

  4. Not half of the voters voted for trump, more voted for Clinton, but the USA doesn’t elect on majority vote. Also only 59% of eligible voting age citizens actually voted in that election. So in reality only 28% +/- of the citizens voted for Trump.

  5. With the help of Donald J. Trump, we will Make America Great Again, and Make the World Great Again too, right along beside US. The original 1776 Constitution was the Greatest Constitution ever written, following the travels of the original signers and influencers including Benjamin Franklin, to the Middle East, Europe, and Asia. Bringing the best of the best home, for We the People. This Constitution, its basis written in support of sovereignty and freedom, and sharing the Wealth of the Land with the People, will become the standard around the world

  6. Umm, what? It’s a fact that Russia interfered with our election. Literally every politician on both sides of the isle agrees with this other than Donald Trump. He’s the conspiracy theorist. You know, the guy that says climate change was invented by the Chinese. And Obama was born in Kenya. And wind turbines cause cancer.

  7. The group’s manifesto and website reflect the baseless conspiracy theory it stemmed from, saying it aimed to protect people from Satanists and the Illuminati – and that it respected former US President Donald Trump.
    Insane how effective right wing American propaganda can be. Their country gets literally nuked and half a century later they willingly expose themselves to a disease, because the same country that nuked them told them it’s better than getting vaccinated.

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