Honeybees 'Cook' a 'Murder Hornet' Alive

Honeybees Cook – ‘Murder Hornet’

Can Honeybees ‘Cook’ a ‘Murder Hornet’ Alive?

No, honeybees cannot “cook” a “murder hornet” alive. Murder hornets are a species of large, predatory wasps native to East Asia that have recently been spotted in the United States. These hornets are highly aggressive and can even kill honeybees by decapitating them. Honeybees do not have the physical capability to kill a murder hornet, due to their small size and lack of powerful stings. Instead, honeybees rely on other defense mechanisms when faced with a predator. For example, when a murder hornet enters a bee hive, the bees will swarm the hornet to try and overwhelm it with their numbers and cause it to flee. They may also release alarm pheromones to signal other bees to come help defend the hive. Additionally, honeybees can produce propolis, a sticky substance made of sap and beeswax that they use to trap and immobilize their predators. While these tactics can be effective against other predators, they are unlikely to be effective against a murder hornet due to its large size and powerful sting. Therefore, honeybees cannot “cook” a murder hornet alive.

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