NSA – National Security Agency Conspiracy Theories Myth

NSA (National Security Agency) is a national level intelligence agency that is incharge of monitoring, collecting and processing all the information or data for foreign and domestic intelligence. It was formed in 1952 and works together with the CIA to gather all the information. There are many conspiracies that the government has been sneaking through our account to segregate all the personal data without the knowledge of the citizens. It was found to be true that in some well developed countries like the United States, NSA or the government agencies work together to collect and analyse the personal data stored on the server. Although it is found to be illegal, many governments still continue to breach the data for various security reasons. Some people believe that is not totally true, as they only track the person who are searching for terrorism, weapons and other anti-governmental activities in the websites. Unlike other conspiracies, it made every citizen angry that their personal information was stolen without any warrant or notification.
When and why does this conspiracy start? What are the theories that are accepted by the people? Continue reading to find the answer for the above questions.

    • Conspiracy Theory – Social medias provide information to the NSA:

      Fact: yes, it is true

      • The US Intelligence community claimed that a large webscape like google helps the NSA to gather all the information about the citizens. Data breaching becomes the threat when everything is involved with the internet. All the apps in our mobile will ask for access to everything from contacts, location, gallery and even your media when installing a new application. Giving access to all will easily allow you to become the target.
      • Some of the common applications like facebook, instagram, youtube will gather all our information and send it to the surveillance agency is the claim that was stated by the conspiracy theorist. They also believe that they have direct access to our data and are being watched all the time. Using social media on a regular basis will allow social media to find all your personal information. We people are in the world of the internet, where almost we can get anything in our hands without going outside. From shopping to dating, people love to do things via the internet to reduce work. As people tend to give access to every personal information, there is a lack of security to breach your data. Whether it may be the contacts, pictures or the bank account details, everything is almost prone to be stolen. In recent times, all the whatsapp users are afraid their information may be stolen when updated. This is the latest conspiracy to happen in 2021 that updating allows the NSA to have direct access to your data. Later this theory was found to be a hoax and it was said by the government that they are targeting only the particular people.
    • Conspiracy Theory – PRISM is a hoax:

      Fact: No, it is not true

      • PRISM is a program which helps the NSA to collect the data of the targeted person. It began in 2007, but many came to know about this six years later only when the news was spread by the NSA’s agent. Many conspiracies aroused after relating PRISM and NSA after the outbreak of the agent. Many people have criticized PRISM in the Guardian and Washington post articles that invading through the personal data should not be done without a warrant. Thus it proves the existence of the PRISM. Government still continue to do the surveillance program as it helped the act of terrorism and the criminal activities. As per the survey conducted in 2005, 90 % of the people believed that no such program exists. However in 2011, almost 76% of the population seemed to have belief in this theory.
      • Why do people come to the conclusion that there was no such program? Many believe that the entire program is a hoax. They claim that the PRISM graphic looks naff and the definition of the acronym cannot be found easily. Some people put forward their claim that phone tapping and acquiring the data of every individual seems to be impossible.
      • Initially many government officials initially denied the existence as it was done secretly, but brought to light by NSA’s agent. Barack Obama during his visit to Germany stated that the NSA gathers data to protect the citizens from criminal activities.prism
    • Conspiracy Theory – NSA is tracking us through the webcams:

      Fact: No, it is not true

      • Most conspiracy theorists claim that every action of the people is monitored by the government while some people believe that we are watched through the web cams.
      • This theory gained much attention from the people and as a result many people covered their web cameras when they are not in use. Gaming systems like Xbox one records and stores our images by the security cameras all over the country. It is also suspected that some games like Pokemon Go track and collect the data from us. These games help the NSA to gather all the data is also the claim that people put forward. This theory was found to be fake, as the government is said to collect the data of only selective people which is surely not done through the web cameras.
        tracking webcams
    • Conspiracy Theory – NSA involved in phone tapping:

      Fact: yes, it is partially true

      After the outbreak of the claim stated by the ex employee of the NSA that the call records of millions of people and their data are stored, many people all around the world accused the government for acquiring data illegitimately. As per the claim stated by NSA agent Edward Snowden”s appeal, the court stated that the program was unlawful and was invading the privacy of citizens. Millions of call records have been found out in the investigation. yet it was publicly denied by US intelligence leaders that it was to protect the citizens. This theory was debunked as the government does not store the record of the innocent people. Phone tapping was said to be done only when the people are involved in the terrorist activities and when acted against the government.
      phone tapping

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  1. Oh you think cellphones are bad wait till you learn what the NSA and CIA do!

    Seriously statements like these are silly.. like no one is that ignorant to what cellphones and tech providers do with our information. Unlike what tech company’s do, people can actually have the power to stop local law enforcement from doing things like this, which we are pretty much powerless when it comes to the tech industry. Furthermore it’s ridiculous to make a statment like that posting to social media.. from a mobile device, like oh we are all the idiots here, I forgot you send all your Reddit comments to Reddits corporate HQ via courier pigeon.

  2. Well, Ursula, no. Not any more bullshit than the claim that the NSA is spying on your neighbor Steve or your mailman, Jim. The NSA spies on everyone, despite it clearly being illegal per the fourth Amendment. They do it through laptop cameras, webcams, traffic light cameras, surveillance cameras, and also track you through your electronic devices. That’s right- when you turn your location on (and even mostly when you don’t) you’re giving the Government unfettered access to your location, not just the company that manufactures the phone and app. The NSA tracks and watches you constantly, like a toddler being watched from the next room by a nanny cam.

  3. Have you ever watched interviews with Edward Snowden? The NSA has the ability to turn on any camera or microphone in almost any electronic device. When they do it though, it’s because you are a target for something else, like involvement in some sort of major crime typically.
    I’m not gonna name the company, but I worked for one of the biggest tech companies in the world from home. They were able to turn your cameras and microphones on and off at will to monitor their employees. Employees caught wind of it and that function was supposedly turned off due to privacy concerns and violations since some managers were even snooping on people and their family’s on non work hours when the employees left their computers on

  4. Unfortunately you can’t choose most of the times. For example, if you want to use a smartphone. There are a few options: iPhone, Android with Google service, Huawei’s Harmony OS. Apple and Google are known to provide backdoor access for government (Snowden). Huawei can’t be any better either. You can basically assume whatever you’ve done with your phone is shared with the company and government agencies.
    Similarly, it’s hard for us to say no to some messaging services. For example, WhatsApp’s controversial policy change which allows them to share your information and meta data with Facebook. And without saying which social media company, there are some social medias that are selling consolidated anonymous messages to marketers or anyone interested in the data.

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