Osama Bin Laden Death – Conspiracy Theories

Conspiracy theorists will give you the dose of fiction, but it was believed by many people as it relates with the facts. When we are in a world where even a cat is seen as a tiger, almost everyone becomes a conspiracy theorist when we cannot accept or get bored of the fact. One of the conspiracy theories that are still a mystery is “ How and when Osama bin Laden died?” Death of Osama Bin Laden raises some of the famous conspiracy theories, rumours and hoaxes that are spread worldwide. His death particularly emerged more conspiracy theories due to various reasons. Let us go through some of the popular Osama bin Laden conspiracy theories.

    • Conspiracy Theory – Burial at the sea

      Fact: No, not true

      The doubts of his death were raised intensively by the Government of USA as the disposal of his body was done in the sea. When US military officials said that necessary arrangements cannot be made to bury his body within 24 hours as per the muslim practices, many claimed that the Muslim practises are was not always followed by the United States in the past. When the bodies of Saddam Hussein’s sons Uday Hussein and Qusay Hussein were kept by the Govt of USA for 11 days before being sent for burial. Many believed that his body was buried in sea to avoid further questioning. No videos or pictures were released at the time of burial. When this happened in the ruling period of Barack Obama, he stated that pictures and videos will provoke another attack.

    • Conspiracy Theory – Osama bin Laden died in 2001

      Fact: No, it isn’t

      Many conspiracy theorists claimed that the most wanted terrorist, Osama bin Laden suffered from Marfan syndrome. It is a genetic mutation that affects the proteins that keeps the body tissue together. This theory mainly arises due to his tall body frame, long limbs, spidery fingers, curved spine and long face. This disease affects one in every 5000 people and is generally identified by the body type. Some claim that he died just after the september 11 2001 attacks due to this disease. According to the writer and the former State Department official, Pieczenik claimed that CIA doctors had treated Osama bin Laden for Marfan. Other claims that he died in 2001 because of renal failure, not because of the Marfan Syndrome.

    • Conspiracy Theory – Osama bin laden did not reside in Abbottabad

      Fact: No, not true

      • As we know there is a lack of evidence in the case of the death of Osama bin Laden, one of the main things that arises from other conspiracy theories is that 25 minute black out. The live feed from the cameras mounted on the helmet of the US military force was cut off  for 25 minutes at his residence in Abbottabad. How did they arrive there at the perfect moment? The US government answered that “they tracked the courier of the al-Qaeda henchman and it led to the apartment” Although the government officials of the United States described the Abbottabad raid was described in a detailed manner, there was a lack of physical evidence.  This made many conspiracy theorists to emerge the new theory that he didn’t live in Abbottabad. As per many reporters and the people in that area, there was no sign of Arab family in that residence.
      • Therefore, people and journalists requested the information through FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) to release photographs, videos and DNA test results of Osama bin Laden. In 2012, the US department of defence decided  not to release any evidence to the public. Many questions aroused among many people how he was shot dead within 12 minute after the special operation force landing.
    • Conspiracy Theory – Osama bin Laden was kept on ice

      Fact: No, not true

      There are many Osama bin Laden’s conspiracy theories regarding his death and Barack Obama. Conspiracy theorists said that bin Laden was dead and kept on ice or in the liquid nitrogen to say it for his own beneficial purposes. He may either be dead by renal failure or after the raid on Tora Bora before 2011. The Iranian regime created the theory that the American government decided to execute him and staged his death as an raid done by the US officials. This was said to be done by the Obama administration in order to secure a victory in the election to happen that happened in 2012.

    • Conspiracy Theory – Osama and Obama

      Fact: No, it isn’t

      There were many rumors regarding the name of the 44th Presidentof USA, Barack Hussein Obama which was related to Osama. Some believed it was just a rhyming word, when other believed that they were related due to his muslim middle name. One of the main leaders to raise this theory is Donald Trump. Many people all over the world and the officials in Pakistan believed that the American government knew about the death of Osama for more than years, but waited to release at the appropriate moment. Since the death of Osama happened during the presidential campaign, Osama bin Laden conspiracy theories arose on a daily basis. One of them is, Obama is tried to gain more votes and popularity by assasination of Osama bin Laden. Another conspiracy is that Osama was killed somewhere, but brought to accuse and enter Pakistan legally. According to the people, the US government obtained the permit to extend the Afghan war into Pakistan. Facebook groups were formed to discuss the rumour of Osama’s death was fake and  it is an attempt by Obama to divert the questions from his citizenship, which was a major conflict at that time.
      Osama and Obama

    • Conspiracy Theory – Pakistan captured Osama bin Laden in 2006

      Fact: No, it isn’t

      Journalist Seymour Hersh alleges that many terrorists including Osama bin Laden were arrested by Pakistan’s ISI and used him as bait to control Afghanistan. He was then sold to the US and killed him during the raid. Seymour Hersh said that the ISI officers walked casually into his bedroom and shot him. As this theory doesn’t have any evidence to prove, it was considered both dubious and anonymous.

After reading all these theories, what is your theory on the death of Osama bin Laden?  Almost every theory is convincing right? I hope I covered some of the popular Osama bin Laden conspiracy theories that are more convincing than the real reason.

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  1. Gangsta. Don’t forget the United States also sold weapons of death to the Iranians using

    the Israelis as an intermediary to get around the trade embargo. All this while supporting

    an illegal war in Nicaragua and being friendly with Osama bin Laden supporting his war in

    Afghanistan against the Soviet Union. Do you really trust your government?.

  2. Very different format than other conspiracy theories. However, it does cover some very interesting material. Especially, the Osama bin laden death-conspiracy theory. The information is very well documented, too.

  3. His fiction is an enjoyable to read this blog and I like his writing style. as he combines history, conspiracy theories, likeable characters, and neat plots.
    Thanks for the opportunity to read and review this blog…

  4. Few people wanted to risk everything to advance the ideology of Osama Bin Laden, and
    yet we have only scorn for them. American soldiers are honored for accepting a 1%
    chance of death for their ideology. Osama’s soldiers accepted a 100% chance of death.
    Surely that must make them respectful by your standards, right? It must be noted that all
    decisions made by Osama Bin Laden were not evil, of cours

  5. The main thing to realize is that in groups and out groups are mostly along party lines

    now. Think of the reaction to thatcher’s death versus the reaction to osama bin laden’s

    death from liberals. Or the conservative hatred for Carter, Obama or Pelosi versus their

    hatred of Putin.

  6. Osama bin laden wasn’t just a criminal, he was the military leader of hostile armed forces

    engaged in conflict with the USA, He wasn’t killed as part of a law enforcement operation

    but a military one designed to eliminate the commander of said hostile armed combatants,

    the fact it was Bin Laden was an added bonus.

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