Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) Conspiracy Theories – UFOs

There are many historic moments of unlikely objects flying above the earth. UFO is the unidentified Flying Object that was witnessed above the earth. It is always debated whether the aliens are trying to invade us or they are spying on us.There are many questions from how seriously we are going to consider the reports of the UFO? No particular explanation is given by the government even after many videos and news of the UFO, this may be the origin of many conspiracy theories.

    • Conspiracy Theory – UFO and America

      Fact: No, it isn’t

      Many people believe that the government and politicians are hiding the evidence of the extraterrestrial objects and most specifically the Unidentified Flying Objects. Many people argue that the Government of the United States is in communication with the extraterrestrials  and are allowing the alien abduction. For more than a decade, allegations of suppression have persisted and it is said that there is physical destruction of data of the extraterrestrials.

    • Conspiracy Theory – UFO sighting

      Fact: No, it isn’t

      In 1950, when a movie director accidentally filmed some unusual aerial objects and handed it over to the U.S Air Force, it is said that the part which shows the spinning discs in the space was removed when they returned it back.  Likewise, much evidence was said to be erased by the US Government. Many people seemed to witness the flying object  that changes its shape in space. Some conspiracy theorists believe that, during the military investigation of green fireballs, many UFOs were photographed in April 1949. There are four spherical objects with 30 feet in diameter flying with different formations at high speed at an altitude of about 30 miles. But later on, no such document was found and it is said to be suppressed in the final report.  Alien exp
      UFO sighting

    • Conspiracy Theory – Area 51 and the aliens

      Fact: No, it isn’t

      Area 51 is always a mystery and added to the fantasy that rumoured alien secrets held within the remote desert site. Many conspiracy theorists and people believe that the United states of America is deliberately hiding the aliens. Area 51 is one such area where the remains of the UFO are assumed to be stored. It is an air force base about 150 miles from Las Vegas where some army people have access to extraterrestrial materials. After the sudden invasion of memes related to Area 51 all over the social media, the event called “Storm Area 51, They cannot stop all of us” is  signed by almost 1.5 million people to know the truth behind it. Many civilians started to protest in the name of “raid”, so the Air force announced that any attempt to enter the area is highly discouraged and they are against them.

    • Conspiracy Theory – Roswell

      Fact: No, it isn’t

      As the stories of flying saucers or disks had been circulating in the wild manner, what happened in Roswell gained everyone’s attention. When the press release that the flying disk crashed at the ranch near the town of Roswell, a press conference held hastily to announce that it was nothing but debris from a fallen weather balloon. Later the book “Roswell incident” was published in which they said it was a cover up story to hide the truth. Even though it may seem crazy, half of the world population believe the presence of aliens.

    • Conspiracy Theory – Aliens

      Fact: No, not true

      Many conspiracy theorists and directors enhanced this by taking it to the next level, that is bringing different movies like star wars, men in black and Independence day. Even Though many videos are available on the internet for everyone to see, there is still not any official explanation of the extraterrestrials. Invasion of aliens in the Earth and life in the mars are the common claim that everyone had. It increased after the release of many science-fiction movies.

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  1. “At approximately 11:00 am on Wednesday, 6 April 1966, students and a teacher from Westall High School, now Westall Secondary College, reported seeing a flying object, described as a grey (or silvery-green) saucer-shaped craft with a slight purple hue and about twice the size of a family car. According to the students, the object was descending, overflew the high school, and disappeared behind a stand of trees. Approximately 20 minutes later the object reportedly reappeared, climbed at speed and departed towards the north-west. Some accounts describe the object as being pursued by five unidentified aircraft.”

  2. Many complaining in other subs about the term UFO per Russian translation. If UFO is meant in the literal sense, an Earthly originating unidentified flying object, then these posts should be removed. They don’t provide anything worthwhile or educational.

  3. A really interesting blog. Will make you think – there is more than we can imagine out there!

  4. This is really the best researched and explained blog I’ve ever seen about the subject of UFOs. This conspiracy theory is a great read for anybody interested in UFO’s or anything related.

  5. This is a great conspiracy buster and I’d recommend to anyone interested in UFO’s at all, skeptic, believer, unsure alike

  6. UFO simply means unidentified flying object, not aliens. I’m simply posting the story because it allegedly happened the day before yesterday and no outlet outside of MSN and Newsweek have covered it.

  7. Exactly. But at this point the whole “Unidentified flying object” connotation being synonymous with aliens doesn’t help the issue at all. Technically even an airplane is a “UFO” until it is identified as such. Everything is unidentified until it is later identified. It doesn’t mean anything, really, and just feeds the conspiracy theorists.

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