Different Beliefs Of Hollow Earth – Conspiracy Theories

Hollow earth is a concept where people believe that there is another world lying beneath the surface of the planet. Many states that it contains a substantial interior space. This gave rise to a number of conspiracy theories as we know that it comprises three different layers: crust, mantle and the core. So many conspiracy theorists validated their views through their books, websites and even through the movies.  Hollow earth conspiracy theory gave rise to a new set of questions from the interior sun to UFO.

    • Conspiracy Theory – Way to center of the earth:

      Fact: No, Not true

      The bell tower, chapel, and a cave are said to be the entrance of the center of the earth according to the ancestors which are generally considered to be a myth.  Many movies and books show the concept of hollow earth in fiction that was believed by almost all children. Even though drilling holes directly into the earth cannot be done, it is assumed that there are special and isolated places that lead you to the center of the earth.

    • Conspiracy Theory – Underground and UFO:

      Fact: No, it isn’t

      An ancient astronaut said that he saw a robot entering the tunnel where the light was seen from underground in Azerbaijan. This activity was linked with UFO and made a huge sensation after the release of the book Hollow earth. Many science fiction movies and books made people believe the world in the underground where machineries of the extraterrestrials are made. From flying saucers to teleporting machines were said to be placed in the underground world to isolate from the other world.

    • Conspiracy Theory – Interior sun:

      Fact: No, it isn’t

      Interior sun is the one of the hollow earth conspiracy theories that almost all theorists have.  This theory came in the 17th century stating that the earth is hollow with interior sun. There is a small sun that is present on the center of the earth which inturn gives the livable environment on the surface of the earth. Marshall Gardener and Vladamir Obruchev wrote in their books that earth possessed the inner sun and was inhabited by prehistoric species.  Some even stated the volcanic eruptions are due to the presence of the sun in the center of the earth.

    • Conspiracy Theory – Mythology about life in the interior world:

      Fact: No, Not true

      According to each region, personal belief rose the concept  of the hollow earth conspiracy. Each person had their own concept of theories, that is  in greek mythology, the cave is the path to lead you through the center of the earth where it was occupied by the ancient god called Zalmoxis.  In Hindu mythology, they claim that their ancestors emerged from the land  inside the earth. Likewise each person had their own belief in the concept of the hollow earth. This made many people to believe in the idea of life in the interior world. The Native american and Brazilian Indians also claimed that their ancestors emerged from the underground land.

    • Conspiracy Theory – Concave hollow earth:

      Fact: No, it isn’t

      Some conspiracy theorists call this as the skycentrism, in which the theorists state that humans live on the outside surface of the earth with hollow inner crust. Most  mathematicians believed the hollow earth conspiracy theory and agreed to the inside out universe.

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  1. Interesting overview of the hollow earth myth. Really interested to read about hollow earth conspiracy busters

  2. Fill with nonsense and no facts. A bunch of misconstrued stories with the authors opinions. If your looking for a good story hollow earth you’re at the wrong location.

  3. great factual account of how people enjoy believing something despite the proof. In this theory explains how when presented facts people would rather believe the lie they feel comfortable with.

  4. Very interesting read-highly recommend this website to everyone interested read about hollow earth conspiracy theory.

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